Interval Training & Steady-State Cardio - Mixed
While interval training is more effective at reducing body fat and improving fitness than steady-state cardio, the
latter still has its place in the realm of cardio exercise. You don't have to totally stick to one or the other,
they are both beneficial for fat loss and fitness, and they complement each other when used together. View this as
a balanced approach, interval training fires up your heart rate and metabolism while steady-state cardio provides a
smoother workout for your heart and a mild increase in metabolism.
Doing both interval training and steady-state cardio can help prevent training burnout and give your cardio
exercise routine some variety. Since interval training is taxing on the body, I recommend exercising at light to
moderate intensity for the steady-state cardio workouts. This will give your mind and body a break from the higher
exercise intensity of interval training. There is no need to put the pedal to the metal all of the time, which just
leads to burnout and overtraining. Provided below are some examples of cardio routines that incorporate both
interval training and steady-state cardio.
Examples of Mixed Routines
Interval Training: Your choice, just pick an interval
training workout that suits your fitness level.
Steady State Cardio: Light to moderate intensity (60%
- 70% of Maximum Heart Rate) for 30 minutes.
Mixed Routine 1: Two interval training workouts and one steady-state cardio workout per week.
Interval Training Steady-State Cardio Interval Training
(30 minutes)
Mixed Routine 2: One interval training workout and 2 steady-state cardio workouts per week.
Steady-State Cardio Interval Training Steady-State
(30 minutes)
(30 minutes)
Mixed Routine 3: One interval training workout and one steady-state cardio workout per week.
Interval Training Steady-State Cardio